Monday, January 2, 2012

Make my website work without www

Okay, so you purchased your own personal domain (such as at GoDaddy, and you have successfully connected your blog or whatever website content to the domain name (for example, follow these instructions for Blogger).  However, your site only works if you type www before the name.  For example, 

This works:
This does not work:

WHY NOT??   Here's how to fix it:
1. Log in to your GoDaddy account, navigate to My Account and click on the name of the website.

2. Notice that Forwarding (last on the list under Domain  Info) is set to "Off".  Click "Manage" to change this.

3. Type in the name of your domain WITH the www, click okay and then you're done!  

GoDaddy will now promise that your site will redirect correctly within an hour.

Note: I photoshopped in in this example - from what I can tell if you want this site, it is available for purchase (No, I don't own it - go for it!).